Chief Entertainment Officer for Mainely Improv and Mystery for Hire. As a writer, producer and actor, Dan has been involved in every aspect of the business since 1995. Dan has studied improv with David LaGraffe of LightUp Improv and he's a graduate of the Celebration Barn Intensive Training in Improv with Jeff Wirth.

Katie Nadeau grew up with Mystery for Hire having come to shows at the age of eight. She is a theater veteran and Broadway musical geek...like her parents.

Fearless on stage and fun loving in real life, Julie's quick thinking and comic timing brings our improv comedy to life. She's an accomplished actress with Mystery for Hire as well performing in hundreds of productions.

Actor, comic, playwright and master of the nerdy characters, Brian is full of surprises in our unpredictable improv shows. He's actively involved as a vibrant citizen of Gardiner, ME.

A long time performer with our mystery dinner theater, Kathleen has embraced the world of improv. There is no other actor we know that can do crazy improv one night and Shakespeare the next.

Amanda Kinsey is fearless whether doing spontaneous things in improv or being outrageous characters in mystery shows. And beyond all that talent, she has loads of fun.

Greg has spent his entire career in front of an audience as a corporate trainer. About six years ago, he found his passion in performing with Mystery for Hire and Mainely Improv. He has more fun than legally allowed.

CarlaRose has performing in her DNA. She is wild, wacky and always ready to take on any new challenge in mystery shows or improv comedy. She's a wife and mother of three daughters in Waterford, Maine.

Juggler and master of many performing arts, Steve is the ultimate entertainer. (Ask him to balance a chair on his chin?) He works with many other performers and is a solo performer as well.

Portland area actor known for her zany characters and quick thinking improv style. A veteran of the stage who loves doing improv.

Storyteller and marketing guru, Molly is a bundle of energy while doing improv or various roles with Mystery for Hire. She is fearless on stage and brings a lively creative element to our team.

Dawn Hartill is from Lewiston, Maine and is a mom to three teenage boys. She is a comic and improviser who delights audiences of all ages by sharing her observations on life, marriage, and the experiences of trying to excel at motherhood.

Sometimes called Amanda Amanda, Amanda Eaton is quick witted, daring, and very funny.

By day, he hangs out in a bank. By night, he is a dynamo of comedy who has performed stand up for a year and just joined Mainely Improv.

Author, playwright, director, and comic, Joe does it all. He is also a corporate trainer for employees from around the world. His winning smile and quick wit make him a welcomed member of Mainely Improv.

Young, cute and everyone's favorite kid next door, Nic rocks in everything he does. And besides, he's a really nice guy.